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How to create text box to attract your users in blogger - Html & Css ||| Tech overload

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How to create text box to attract your users in blogger

How to create text box to attract your users in blogger

Creating a text write effect on your Blogger can add a unique and visually appealing touch to your blog. In this post, we will discuss the steps to create this effect using HTML and CSS.

Step 1: Create a new post or page on your Blogger.

Step 2: In the HTML section of the post or page, wrap the text you want to have the write effect in a span tag. For example, if you want the text "Welcome to my blog" to have the write effect, it would look like this:

<span class="write-effect">Welcome to my blog</span>

Step 3: Next, add a CSS class to your Blogger's template. To do this, go to the "Template" section of your Blogger, click on "Edit HTML" and then add the following CSS class:

.write-effect { animation: typing 3s steps(30, end); }

Step 4: Add the keyframe animation to the CSS class. This animation will control the typing effect. To do this, add the following code below the .write-effect class:

@keyframes typing { from { width: 0 } to { width: 100% } }

Step 5: Save your changes and preview the post or page to see the text write effect in action. You can adjust the animation speed by changing the "3s" value in the animation property to a faster or slower value.

Step 6 : You can also change the delay time of the animation. you can achieve this by adding 'animation-delay' property in your css class like this :

.write-effect { animation: typing 3s steps(30, end); animation-delay: 2s; }

Step 7: If you want to change the color of the text, you can add the following code to the .write-effect class:

color: #0000FF;

This will change the color of the text to blue. You can change the color code to any color you desire.

In conclusion, creating a text write effect on your Blogger is a simple process that can add a unique touch to your blog. By following the steps outlined in this post, you can create this effect using HTML and CSS. Remember to experiment with different animation speeds and delays to find the perfect setting for your blog.

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